Sunday, February 15, 2009

Export Worksheet

Other than a worksheet stored in the type of Maple Worksheet Classic or Maple Worksheet, also can be saved or exported in the HTML file types, with mathml HTML, LaTeX, PlainTex, or Rich Text Format (RTF) through the File menu, select Export As. For example, the worksheet will export to HTML format, by the way:
  1. Switch on your worksheet work, for instance Latih01.mws.
  2. Click the File menu, select Export As
  3. Select type HTML
  4. Navigate to the directory where the files will be saved and name the file
  5. Click the Save; then be shown the HTML option to specify: (a) Location subdirectory images. (b) the format of expression in mathematics, whether in the GIF format, mathml 1.0, mathml 2.0, or 3.0 mathml mathml with WebEQ. (c) Using the frame or not.
  6. Click OK
Worksheet file in HTML format can be opened from a web browser.

Open and Edit Old Worksheet

To open a worksheet that has been stored in the disk, click the File menu and select Open, then navigate in the directory where the files will be opened. Worksheet can be edited again if the desired changes. Readers can change the format of Creation-format view, change the format of the prompt, making the display format with articles and so forth. This can be done using the menu-bar icon or icons that are available in the Maple worksheet. Worksheet that has been edited can be saved back to click the File menu and select Save when still be saved with the type of worksheet.

Create a New Worksheet

When you first run the Maple 9, automatically open a new worksheet with the name Untitled (1). Create a new worksheet can also be done from the File menu, and select New. As training materials, type the following commands from the prompt response and observe the results of the execution of these commands.

> f:=x->x^4-x^3-10*x^2+4*x+24;

> factor(f(x)=0);

> solve(f(x),{x});

The display worksheet appear in the image as follows:

After the worksheet is saved through the File menu, select Save and give the file a name such as Latih01.mws. Automatically file a worksheet will be given the *.mws extension (as a default Maple Worksheet Classic or Maple Worksheet). To close the worksheet, click the File menu and select Close.

Start with Maple

To start using Maple 9, make sure that the computer has installed the software Maple 9. Maple 9 provides some mode interface that is standard version of the worksheet, classic worksheet, and the command line.

Standard Interface Worksheet
This mode has a display as the display software-based visual interface. To work in this mode do:
* Click on the icon Maple 9 of the desktop, or
* Click the Start menu, select Programs, and select the Maple 9.

Classic Worksheet Interface
Maple interface is a classic and has the capability of computing compared with the same standard interface Worksheet, except only for different views and needs of memory only. If a computer with limited memory capacity, it is advisable to choose a classic worksheet interface. To work in this mode do:
* Click on the icon Classic Worksheet Interface Maple 9 from the desktop or
* Click the Start menu, select Programs, and select Classic Worksheet Maple 9.

Command-line Version
Is a worksheet based interface that does not support the prompt features Maple 9-based GUI, but still have the capability of computing the same interface with other modes. To work in this mode:
* Click the Start menu,
* Select Programs,
* Select the Command Line Maple 9.

After the Maple 9 is activated, the next window will be displayed sheet Maple 9 (Maple 9 Worksheet Window) worksheet corresponding mode is selected.

Maplet : Maple's GUI

Advantages of Maple 9 other facilities is the design of application programs based GUI (graphical User Interface) called MapletTM and developed since the start maple version 7. MapletTM work environment in the JavaTM (Java Runtime Environment) to handle the GUI elements such as windows, buttons, dialog boxes, toolbars, menu bars, radio buttons, plotters window, slider, and so forth. With this feature, the user interface is possible to design a more interesting and interactive as often found in the programming-visual programming. Consider the following example Maplet interface.

In the example application Maplet "Limit Function", the user enter the living expression of a math functions, and point limitnya. If you click on the button Calculate the computing results will be displayed in the text box. With facilities Maplet this, the user can design the windows, dialogue, and other visual interface so that computing can be done without the need to give commands on the worksheet interface standard. Compare with the following example, where the limit to calculate the same we should write in the form of command prompt:

> Limit((x^2-4)/(x-2),x=2)=limit((x^2-4)/(x-2),x=2);

When calculating the limit will be done the other, must write again, the limit, for example:

> Limit(x^2*sin(x),x=Pi/2)=limit(x^2*sin(x),x=Pi/2);

If we use the facilities Maplet and design applications such as window on the user click the Clear button live, the input functions and the limit point and press the Calculate live to see the results. From the comparison it appears that the application Maplet is suitable for users who do not like Maple writing lines of command-line interface standard on the worksheet.

About a Maple Software

Maple is a mathematics software made in Waterloo Maple Inc.. ability to work with the reliable enough to handle a variety of analytical and numeric computing. This software has been developed to various versions. Differences between the new version with previous versions mainly located in software features and the number of regular-routine functions, which increases. Changes began in the Maple version 7 with the addition GUI facility that allows users to design applications that interactive. While the discussion on this blog are using the version of Maple 9.

Maple software category, including symbolic computing software, which works on models of mathematics (in the form of a symbol or a math equation or expression). This means that this software can not be used to solve the problem of verbal mathematics. For example, there are problems:

"Amir pay Rp. 40,000 - to buy 2 books with the same title. What is the price of the units each of these books? ".

Issues such as this can not be resolved directly using Maple, because this software does not recognize the language of mathematics like that. However, if the issues we state in the form of symbolic model, for example, if x = unit price books, the style is 2x = 40,000, and this model can easily be resolved, namely the solution x = 20,000 or unit price is Rp books. 20.000, - per book.

As the software computing the math the other, such as Mathematica, Mathcad, Matlab and so forth, Maple humor also enjoy the convenience of the users interact in a mathematically. Writing, calculation and manipulation of mathematical expressions and graphs handling 2D, 3D and animation can be done by using the commands with a simple syntax and display the response as a solution when we get done manually. Here we see some early examples of how to use computing facilities Maple 9.

For example, known function f (x) = x ^ 2 - 2x + 2 and will be sought first from the value of derivative f (x) for x = 3 or f '(3). Maple 9 with the resolution made as follows:


Results from the execution of the command are:

The first line to define f (x), the second line to first know the derivative f (x) and the third line mensubstitusikan the value of x = 3 in the first derivative. On the mode of the worksheet, the results are displayed directly under the command line. Third command also can be summarized in just one command line only to:

> Diff(x^2–2*x +2,x)=eval(diff(f(x),x),x=3);

In addition to speed the process of computing, we can also see the ease of expression write the math. Maple 9 provides facilities on the palette that allows us to write down the expression-expression in the form of a symbol matematiksa directly, as usual we write the manual. For example, we will calculate an integral function, so the palette can be switched on and we can write expressions such as the integral symbol manually. Consider the following examples:

Illustrative examples are only a small part of the thousands of facilities from software to handle the Maple symbolic and numeric computing.

Difficulties of Mathematics: What can we do

Mathematics is still a subject which is considered difficult even considered as a "scourge" for some students or students. The low interest of students learning the subjects of this is a reality that we can find a day-to-day. This condition is certainly an issue that is very serious, many factors cause and complex enough to find a solution. The teachers, lecturers or experts in mathematics is of course also seeks vengeance, throw in the ability to develop various methods of learning math.
Efforts little taste any need to always try and try again so that such mathematics to be more easily learned, can be understood and not by students. Along with the development of technology and media, an effort that tried to use the technology (software) for designing computer media and learning materials in mathematics a more interactive and dynamic so it can improve students' motivation to learn.
Software sophisticated mathematics that have been outstanding in many markets, such as Matlab, Maple, MathCad, Mathematica, and so forth. However, utilization in the learning process is still not perceived to be optimal, and not even known by many students or teachers. This condition can be used only to have the device because the computer follows softwarenya need not cost cheap. If they already have a computer and softwarenya, also sometimes not enough knowledge and ability to mendalaminya.
Once again, any little effort to improve the quality of learning mathematics Southerners need to be tested. And on this occasion the author tried to arrange a blog containing the basic design of the program learning math by using the software Maple 9 interactive and dynamic. Media up our interactive media that can bridge the user to interact independently, without foundation in the teachers learn mathematical problems symbolically. While the media dynamic meant that the media can give to the user's understanding of the symbolic mathematical problems that diverse.
In most of the design of learning mathematics that have been developed, many writers view the interactive media but are static. This means that the media only contains examples of problems in the same case and the user can not try to different problems.